Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 10th Shain!

Happy Birthday, Shain! We headed up to Kate's for some birthday fun and goodies after Emma and Savannah got done with softball at 8:30! Azia and her cousins Nora and ?, friend Chase, and Koby were having a great time playing outside. Some pizza, cup cakes, icecream, and (by special order of the birthday boy) cheesecake, was all it took to really get the party going. Shain's special gift was a new yellow. I wish I had a camera to capture the chocolately smiles and bright eyes. Shain and Savy came over for a sleepover, and before midnight strikes, one last wish, birthday boy, for many more wonderful days!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A couple weeks ago my mother came up into my bed to tuck me in and all that stuff. And right then and there my head came up with something really funny. It was a joke and it went like this..."Hey mom, what do you get when you mix Joseph and Mary?" "I don't know" "Jary!" Emma

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010!

Happy Father's Day to you....Dad, Kevin, Ron, Tom, Brett, almost Brett, John, Chester, and all of the other important men I know who walk these shoes with pride. Although I'll never truly be able to grasp the magnitude of a father's responsibilities, all I can say is how I admire, in particular, my hubby, and all of the amazing things he accomplishes as 'Dad.' I just love that glow in my kids eyes when they look at their daddy. I know the brilliance changes a bit when you're older, but I know I still look to you, Dad, with the same admiration and longing for love. I couldn't have picked a better daddy, or a better man to be the daddy of my kids.

Kev worked at the whatever annual Lincoln Fire Company Father's Day Chicken BBQ today. These guys are great. Great cooking, great pride in their event, and plenty of smiles regardless of the time they gave up with their families to keep this tradition running. Emma and Koby had some friends for a playdate for much of the day. I scrambled as usual to fit in the days events, and complete my week's paper (which of course I didn't start until today) by midnight. Tomorrow begins first official summer camp 2010! Koby is doing everything he can to get out of the week of Summit Soccer....we'll see! Countdown to Loudon is on!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

You are such a beautiful 94! How do you do it? Tom and Janet hosted a wonderful little party tonight. Sunshine was amazing, food was a close second (although second to none as far as food goes), and the company was charming. I almost said relaxing, but had to think twice. Always tons of excitement with six munchkins. Koby had a little meltdown (too many late nights this week,) but all kids, young and old, seemed to really enjoy the party. Marianne paid Grammy the nicest compliment saying how she (and I'm paraphrasing) is the only person she knows who intently listens to every with interest and affection. Lots of hugs and kisses to go around, some fun gifts, including the coveted chocolate turtles, special art by the kids, lovely pictures, cards, and hopefully a cozy rug for her feet. Grammy, you are amazing. You have walked so many paths, and we are all so blessed to be walking along side of you. Happy Birthday, Anne Butler Cassidy!